Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A trip across the mountains...

I realized I hadn't written anything here in a long time, so due to lack of time today I will show a lot of pictures and write very little. But that's what most people enjoy anyway!!! These are from a trip I took to attend my Sister's college graduation - congratulations to her again!

The trip started with one of Europe's infamous traffic jams - here they call it a "Stau"...

You pass the main ridge of the Alps when you drive to the south of Austria from the north - fresh snow is very likely here in October...

There are 2 long tunnels on the way, here the entry to the first...
(picture taken while driving)

Inside a tunnel...

Austrian gas staion on the way back...

Pictures of my sister's graduation next time!!!


Unknown said...

Yes, we've missed you. Love the pictures. The Alps are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us :) So, how fast exactly were you driving while shooting pics?

amekuser said...

haha - the "snow" pic was taken at about 85-90 mph
the tunnel ones at only about 50
